Results 18 comments of sivagollapalli

@philostler Could you provide your comments?

@philostler Instead of checking `ActionMailer::VERSION::STRING >= "5.0.0"` I have checked ruby version. So it breaks if a user runs Ruby 2.3.0+ with Rails 4. I will modify that as following...

@lichtamberg I also faced this issue. Please update your Gemfile like as `gem 'jquery-datatables-rails', '~> 3.2'` would you solve your issue. @ricardodovalle If css minifest extension is `.css.scss` then install...

I think this feature already included. Here is the documentation Let me know if I missed anything. @jonathanhefner @cjyclaire

> We could implement it by using a block for defaults on Aws.config eg, when defining it: > > ```ruby > # lib/aws-sdk-core.rb > > @config = { |hash,...

@mullermp Currently when I pull a single EC2 instance metadata, it has given instance data and it's availability zone information but no region information included in the response. Can we...

@mullermp Any update on this?

So, is there any plan to support 2.7 or we have to switch to Ruby 3 to use async 2.0 ?

@dblock This issue has been raised because of `belongs_to_required_by_default` has been set to `true` once we add `mongoid-history` gem in `Gemfile` actually it should not. I have gone through code...

``` 1) Model with MoneyRails field should have a history entry with a valid amount field with class Money Failure/Error: self.class.tracker_class.create!(history_tracker_attributes(action.to_sym).merge(version: current_version, action: action.to_s, trackable: self)) NoMethodError: undefined method `bson_type'...