Still working on an example of this bug but as far as I could tested using clearDisplay() in the main loop causes the Arduino Micro bootloader to crash making all...
Hi there I'm working out with a 128x64 SSD1306 Oled breakboard configure in SPI. I'm quiet suprise by the overall slowiness of the library. The display() method seems to take...
Concerning this warning Some people have reported an undocumented bug that can potentially corrupt the I2C bus. It occurs if an MCP230XX input pin state changes during I2C readout. This...
I was stucking with ESP32-C3 which was not recognised as an ESP32. Fortunately the SPIFFS version of the tool just did a 1.1 relase to correct just that... see...
**Environment** - OS: Rapsberry Pi 4 - Version: Raspbian Buster **Describe the bug** It's beetween a bug and feature request actually. I try to connect with a teensy via GPIO14/GPIO15...