Hello, I'm working on a color tracking application on RPi 3, your addon has been a great help to prototype on my mac but I cannot get it work on...
Hello there, I got a situation here in the Arduino IDE with an ESP8266 Wemos D1 mini Pro. - Arduino 1.8.9 - ESP Core 2.5.2 - Adafruit MQTT Library 1.0.3...
Hello, I'm trying to get it work on MacBookPro with OSX 10.13.6, I did get a result for devices, but none for ranges and export (it give me empty {}...
The following transition could result in type overflows : * BACK_IN * BACK_INOUT * BACK_OUT * ELASTIC_IN * ELASTIC_INOUT * ELASTIC_OUT Currently workin on a good way to do solve...
Based on this discussion a way to operate the library with a distance, time, acceleration point of view would be really nice.
Hello, I try to implement the xfade effect in a local server and no way to make it work. Have you ever experience the same problem and do I miss...
Hello after some testing it appears that this library doesn't work with ESP32-C3. The compilation works fine, the device appears in bluetooth managers, it seems to connect, but it doesn't...
So far so good but here come the first errors : - svgExample doesnt compile, see [svgExample_logs.txt]( - shader examples crash when the program run either from CLI with the...
As for now I just try to make the simple button it compile well but the app doesn't return any result on GPIO17 I need to investigate more.
Hello this is what I get when I start HPlayer2 via SSH (RPi3, Raspbian stretch, Openframeworks installed) : `HPlayer2: loading default profile... HPlayer2 basepath: /home/mgr/Videos HPlayer2 settings: /home/mgr/hplayer2.cfg HPlayer2 IP...