Results 43 comments of Sören Schwert

If you are building with Capacitor, there's an official capacitor-community plugin which I've been using with success:

See also #4166 for an alternative native plugin.

When using anything else than Angular, you need to import from the path without `/ngx` at the end. `ngx` stands for Angular. In your case, import from `@awesome-cordova-plugins/wechat` instead.

Well, without sudo I get `Error: EACCES: permission denied, access '/usr/lib/node_modules/baelte'` because my normal user can't write to `/usr/lib`.

[Vue 3 includes a `readonly()` method]( that makes anything passed into it read-only. This could be used for the exported state, which would show an error with Typescript and log...

:+1: Same here, CentOS 7

Eloquent->touch() fires save() internally: ``` php public function touch() { $this->updateTimestamps(); return $this->save(); } ``` Conclusion: I can't use the native touch() method with Ardent when the model has a...

I believe the limit of 2 is hard coded currently?

Hi there! Here's a couple considerations you have to make first: - Will users own the keys to their wallet? If you give custody to them, you can generate and...

I don't think the Nimiq.js file is used when bundling with e.g. Webpack. The entry point of the core-web package is the esm build, which does not include any of...