Sangkeun Kim
Sangkeun Kim
You can change the brush colors using codes below. ``` const setLabelmap = (element, colorLUTIndex) => { setColorLUT(colorLUTIndex, [[...colorList[colorLUTIndex]]]) setActiveSegmentIndex(element, colorLUTIndex) setActiveLabelmapIndex(element, colorLUTIndex) setColorLUTIndexForLabelmap3D( getLabelmap3D(element, colorLUTIndex), colorLUTIndex, ) if (!isSegmentVisible(element,...
Hi @kongkip, thanks for writing the first issue 👍 The measurementData of the manually drawn tool is as below. ``` { "visible": true, "active": false, "invalidated": false, "shortestDistance": 78.95817610237975, "handles":...
Yes, that's exactly right.
To display a textbox with specific x,y coordinates, you need to pass the coordinates to the textbox section. Otherwise, you can exclude the x, y points.