看到这篇Blog之后,果断下载试用了UnRead,现在已经离不开它了。 今天又把这个项目拿出来,想做出和Unread一模一样的导航栏,不知道博主有没有什么思路? 我试过很多办法, 导航栏上的Label不会随着导航栏移动,而是push和pop的时候出现在中间,alpha是能做到的,不过位置需要调整下。
When I use shortcut Command+control+z multiple alert will present, and the new alert will cover the previous one which will looks very odd.
some subtitle update in apple website, can we update new subtitles?
How do you get the subtitle in other language? hope for your replay!!
Can we use it to download subtitles
使用HYLabel的时候提示2017-02-06 17:11:44.583 Weibo[51097:7572334] Failed to set (mentionColor) user defined inspected property on (HYLabel.HYLabel): [ setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key mentionColor.
/Users/macache/Downloads/WorkPlace/Study/ZhihuDailyDemo-master/ZhihuDaily/Pages/NewsDetail/NewsDetailViewModel.swift:10:8: Module compiled with Swift 3.1 cannot be imported in Swift 3.0.2: /Users/macache/Downloads/WorkPlace/Study/ZhihuDailyDemo-master/Carthage/Build/iOS/RxSwift.framework/Modules/RxSwift.swiftmodule/x86_64.swiftmodule 楼主,我需要怎样替换RxSwift的库版本撒
Lost any subtitles. How can I get that lost subtitles,If any help,thanks.