Thanks @wvalcke !
Thanks @srihari-humbarwadi I tried replacing **Resent50** backbone with below: default MobilenetV2 pertained downloaded is 224x224 def get_backbone(): """Builds ResNet50 with pre-trained imagenet weights""" backbone = keras.applications.**MobileNetV2**( include_top=False, input_shape=[None, None, 3]...
Hi @srihari-humbarwadi Thanks for your reply. I am bit new and in exploring and learning stage . Can you please point me to some useful links where I can read...
Hi Thanks, Finally I get it why we are doing the above math. The numbers 2000 and 4 are coming from the max/min ranges of arduino accelerometer .
Built the tvm from source for v0.7 but still facing the same error. My current environment is: import gluoncv as gcv import mxnet as mx import tvm print('Requires gluoncv>=0.8.0 alpha:',...
Thanks it got solved! there was a data shape error.