> # Fix MobaXterm Home/End key with ZSH > bindkey '^[[H' beginning-of-line > bindkey '^[[F' end-of-line > Suggestion from @Lopson works for me. After using `showkey -a` and know the...
Hi Alberto, i would like to help on this issue. Can you adress me on the fast way to make some test ? I have experience on python Dev and...
Hi Alberto, i found in the merros-iot library documentation the section about sniffing data and i've done a brief scan of some commands from the device. I attache here the...
Hello @albertogeniola i did a new capture with new sniffer and new API. I attache che zip file here : []( I did some activation, deactivation and temperature settings. I...
Have you any idea of what register is send by the logger ? Beacause I can reach my logger using pysolarmanv5, but i never got a positive response with any...
What firmware do you have ? I have `LSW5BLE_17_840B_1.05` 840B is labeled "Sensor list" in the app. Is 33803 in big endian and 2948 as little endian, but i got...
Finally i've read the registers from my , I did a massive brute force on all register and finally got some answers. I used the registry_scan script here :
In my inverter/logger informations i found 2 interesting codes : product_type : 1282 sensor_list : 840B There are some file with those codes in the filename ? Could it possibly...
Thank you, i've done and I have found those files. I will try to create a full adapter for my inverter. In your case, can you reach the inverter with...