So, allowing the User to specify the _internal representation_ of bit order is not required. With #212 , the circuit model stores values in _LSB0_, but that detail is not...
> Any appetite for building them in Noir? @Savio-Sou we will be implementing our tooling in Rust, aiming to be proving system/DSL agnostic. It should work with Noir
@Savio-Sou yes, this is more about tooling for pre-processing/parsing data and applying privacy/commitment semantics to common formats. Ie specifying what field is private, where the bytes of that field is...
Would you mind pushing these benchmarks into a repo I can clone? I'm interested in tinkering with this as well
This makes sense, I wasn't aware that JS was able to take advantage of hardware acceleration as well as it does. So in browser contexts, calling out to JS for...
According to the major browsers have implemented 128bit SIMD for wasm. I'm not sure if the rust libraries take advantage of it, but the results below suggest that they...
Jacking up the round count to 10,000,000 helps remove any distortions from timing calls. Doing so shows that tweetnacl salsa is infact almost 2X faster. I'm curious why that is...
I see. I'm curious to understand how they were optimized
Closing, this is an interesting topic but not worth keeping an issue open for it.
For this we should look for existing traits from `RustCrypto` and use them if suitable.