The following technique seems to work. ``` [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "^3.8" foosball-lib = "*" [] pytest = "^5.2" foosball-lib = {path = "../foosball-lib", develop = true} ``` See this repo...
The status of _PEP 621_ is still "Draft". But yes, I guess it's a valid request (assuming it actually gets accepted and depending under which form). It might take a...
At some point, I thought there was an intention to merge the text of 631 into 621, to avoid having to refer to two documents, since 631 is rather short...
> Is the poetry dependency notation more powerful or even different at all? It's all in the discussions, particularly this one, I don't want to repeat things and take them...
Last time I checked (which was a long time ago already, I must admit), I also came to a similar conclusion, poetry could relatively easily move to PEP621 and use...
> poetry projects doesn't have just run time dependencies, they also have dev-dependencies On this one specific thing, I wish packaging tools would agree on some conventions here. I for...
Probably could have been filed as "feature request" instead of "bug".
> @sinoroc I wasn't sure, because it didn't feel like a feature request per se, because older versions of poetry were faster (poetry 1.0 is consistently under 350ms), but I...
@Toxe Looks like a _pip_ issue somehow, so maybe out of _poetry_'s control. Looks like at the moment the error occurs, poetry had launched this command in a subprocess: `C:\Users\toxe\AppData\Local\pypoetry\Cache\virtualenvs\gps-tracks-rest-api-mrZqQZX0-py3.8\Scripts\pip.exe...
Maybe the `_regex.cp38-win_amd64.pyd` is still being accessed somehow. Maybe some clues on _pip_'s ticket tracker... * Does `poetry show --tree` (before running the update) show what depends on `regex`?...