```ts log4js.configure({ appenders: { 'loger' : { type: 'file', filename: 'test-log.log' } } }) log4js.getLogger('loger').info('just test loger write') const prompts = [...] inquirer.prompt(prompts).then(({use, name}) => { console.log(`user: ${user} name: ${name}`)...
- list env of project - add gitigonre file - add base test case other.. add `LICENSE` of this project and `thrid libaray LICENSE` which used this project.
### Component server, agent ### Describe the bug ```yml labels: # backend: docker platform: linux/amd64 steps: python-poetry-gcc: image: fnndsc/python-poetry:1.7.1 pull: false commands: - whoami - id ``` will be...