Sindharta Tanuwijaya
Sindharta Tanuwijaya
- [x] fix visibility handling - [x] fix parent handling - [x] add 'bake transform' option - [x] fix auto sync - [ ] improve detecting updated objects ( -...
Transferring issue from -------------------------------- 失礼します。 動作環境 : Unity 2019.2.9f1 Blender 2.80 上記の環境ですとShapeKeyの反映が正しく行われないようです。 例) 1.Blenderで単一ボーンをつけただけの立方体を用意します。 2.適当にBase以外の ShapeKey を作って変形します。(Keyの名前をKey1とします。) 3.Unity側に MeshSync します。この際 BakeModifiers はしません。 4.Unityで Key1 の変形が正しく反映されてるのを確認します。 5.Blender側に戻り、Key1 の形状を変更してUnity側に MeshSync します。...
Transferring issue from: ----------- Hi, i like this addon and i'm a blender user. Current released light is only support blender render?Will support cycles default emission node light? And...
The issue was detected on a Japanese Windows, in which this error occurred: "invalid byte sequence in Windows-31J"
- Set the tempfile creation to binary mode - Support automatic media recovery if the file doesn't exist in the media buffer area - Check stub in filter-clean to avoid...
- use -l instead of -lz in ls-tree to make sure all necessary stubs are listed - remove backslash in find_references (issues detected on Windows)