Sina Rüeger

Results 9 issues of Sina Rüeger

Hi, I ran into a case, where the `minor_allele` of a SNP returned is coded as `TRUE`. The example below only queries one SNP rs1528723 which has T as the...

1. Renamed `switzerland/` to Zurich. 2. Added metadata for Basel. 3. Added latest (2021) GTFS data for Switzerland (Unsure how to get the sha256 code through.)

The function `ld_search()` was retired following issue #53 (the API was down). Now the server seems up and running again:


The function `ncbi_snp_query(snp)` takes SNPs as input and outputs chromosome, position and other annotation for each SNP. Idea: reverse inputs. Have chromosome and position as input and output SNP identifier...


*Problem*: Often, the documentation of the function misses or has a too general description of `@value`. *Example*: `?rsnps::annotations` just mentions `Value: data.frame of results` (independent of the four output options)....


*Problem*: Several functions could profit from error messages. *Example*: ``` r rsnps::allgensnp(snp = "rs1528723") #> Error: Not Found (HTTP 404) ``` Created on 2019-05-07 by the [reprex package]( (v0.2.1) ```...


Although the option `df = TRUE` should return a `data.frame`, it actually returns a `list`. ``` r dat 'data.frame': 5425 obs. of 4 variables: #> $ id :List of 5425...


- `Rmpfr` package is a bit difficult to install.