Same for me, I always get ``` openldap | /!\ WARNING: LDAP_TLS=false but the container was previously started with LDAP_TLS=true openldap | TLS can't be disabled once added. Ignoring LDAP_TLS=false....
I would also appreciate this feature, I would like to send the data directly to an emonCMS webserver (from OpenEnergyMonitor). Maybe Tasmota scripts could serve as inspiration for this:
Feature-Wunsch: Aktuelle Leistung direkt zu einem Webserver posten: Ich sende beispielsweise die Daten des Smart Meters (Hichi) mittels [Tasmota-Scripts]( direkt zu der Logging und Visualisierungsplattform des OpenEnergyProjekts emonCMS. Da lässt...