L5.3 has strict mode set to true by default. Check in config/database.php and try: ``` 'strict' => false, ```
I was able to get it working again. Bug: If a user adds an underscore character "to the "Plugin Name" field e.g; My_Plugin, it will generate the above error.
I'm not sure of the exact combination used. I'll try to recreate the issue again today and let you know first chance I get.
Craft 2.5.x using plugin name "My_Plugin" with code comments enabled and the ConsoleCommands option selected.
Temporarily changing `fire()` to `handle()` in vendor/baum/baum/src/Baum/Console/InstallCommand.php resolved this for me.
@tunage this repo is "php-instagram-api/php-instagram-api". Your composer issues seem to stem from "cosenary/instagram" an entirely different repo.