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dotfiles of simonvic daily used enviroment

Getting started

This repository is not just a rice. In ./local/bin/ you can find many utilities (written completely in sh) which make the everyday usage of your Linux environment easier and faster, while getting the most out of popular softwares among Linux rices (e.g. Polybar, Rofi, Dunst, i3 etc.).

These utilities have been made to be easily configurable (more to come in v3.0...); just open it with your favorite text editor and edit accordingly. For a more in-depth guide visit the scripts wiki

For a guide on how to use them either check the wiki or just launch them with the help option. Example:

$ sPolybarctl help

Make sure to visit the Wiki to have a full overview of what my workflow can offer


Main requirements:

  • i3-gaps : the tiling window manager with gaps
  • i3lock-color : Used to lock the screen
  • Polybar : show bars with various information
  • Dunst : notifications daemon
  • Rofi : application launcher
  • more...

Visit the installation guide for a more in-depth explanation


Lockscreen (sLockscreenctl)

sLockscreenctl has plenty of options to tweak as you like

Other themes preview

Application launcher, window switcher and calculator (Rofi)

Rofi themes have been made to be easily configurable and expansible. The config file and thems are structured like this:

|_ config            (defines rofi behaviour, components and default base UI layout/structure)
|_ Theme             (defines UI layout and structure)
    |_ Style         (defines UI components color and text font)
        |_ Fonts     (defines a set of fonts)
        |_ Palette   (defines a color palette)

A Theme (e.g. fullscreen.rasi, reverse.rasi, window_reverse.rasi etc) only takes care of how the UI components are structured and arranged. It imports a Style.

A Style defines text fonts, imported from a Fonts, and the colors of the components, imported from a Palette


sPolybarctl will manage your polybars. It can launch them, show, hide them or toggle. It also serves as a wrapper for polybar-msg for ipc calls.

The main feature is that you can interact with polybars using their name, like so:

$ sPolybarctl show myFirstBar                # make visible "myFirstBar"
$ sPolybarctl toggle mySecondBar             # toggle visibility state for "mySecondBar"
$ sPolybarctl hide                           # if no polybar name specified, the command will be issued to all polybars
$ sPolybarctl message "action #date.toggle"  # simulate the toggle action on date modules

TODO manager,Notifications and more (Dunst)

Music control (sPlayerctl) + custom Spotify notification

sPlayerctl will help you manage your music! It also has custom Spotify notification.

The coolest feature is that you can select the player you wish to control via cli

$ sPlayerctl select-player set spotify

... or even better with Dunst and Rofi

Speaker and microphone control

Nothing special here. sVolumectl and sMicrophonectl will the volume of the speakers and microphone while showing a dunst notification with a personalizable bar

Brightness and Redshift control

sBrightnessctl will adjust the brightness and manage redshift temperature.

App notifications

ToDo popup with context action

sTodo is a minimal TODO list manager, which can also show a popup with dunst


My workflow is 100% keyboard-driven as I have everything at the tip of my fingers.

Check out my default keybindings for more

About me

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