@justinmarkfarrugia could you explain your reasoning for thinking it clashes with Obi design wise? Educational for everyone involved :)
This is a really great write-up. Thanks @justinmarkfarrugia.
@farmanp I don't think it was
You mean the reasons for using it? Yeah probably!
Oof, this is awesome.
I do, but @sophiakc is the expert. As for the crop results, the idea (ultimately) is that there's at the top of the search results crops that are relevant to...
Awesome. Thank you @nicholasedwards!
(ditto from the other issue, I'd be more than happy to do a little pair programming to get you familiar with what doing this with Angular would look like).
sure! or just comment them out so that they don't show up? Is this on the guides? Guides should have locations on them. Crops won't though.
@nicholasedwards I would be more than happy to help you out with implementing this in JS. Let me know if you want to set up a pair programming session or...