Simon Robb
Simon Robb
I'd be happy to do that, but it doesn't appear to have any effect. I had thought `__DEV__` was replaced during compile?
I'm having the same trouble. Some browsers prevent file inputs from being triggered by client code as a security measure. Try triggering a click event in the console using `document.querySelector('input[type=file]').click()`...
@kitsonk no, I didn't. Just completed one - try searching for my name (Simon Robb). If nothing comes up I'll send you my email address.
@janakerman I'm seeing the same error, loading tasks using `jit-grunt`. Will post if I make any progress.
@janakerman @dylans The error occurs when the `baseDir` option is undefined. See for pull request (you can provide an empty string for `baseDir` in the meantime).
Suggested fix in this commit:
Any comment on this proposal? This comment in `middleware.go` further suggests this is not the expected behavior:
Thanks @sergiught, that's great to hear!
Great work @sergiught, thank you!