Simon Erlandsen
Simon Erlandsen
Hello. When an image height is set initially in css, and then changed inside of a media query later on in the css, the new height is not set on...
Thanks! Tested in IE 10 and IE 11 (in IE 9 the image doesn't show, as reported on another issue).
A f5 refresh did it for me as well. My setup is one file (styles.scss) importing all partials, and then only compiling that one file on saving the partials. .brackets.json...
Second this. Have you gotten any further on this @petercossey ?
Any solution or workaround on this issue? I would love to use this great project with twig:)
Update: found the (quite obvious) place in the twig docs:
I also see this. You can see this issue by opening the a project with this tech in use in chrome, and then emulate a phone. Big play button is...