Simone Di Fonzo
Simone Di Fonzo
Experience the same issue on RN-CLI Taking & comparing screenshots work flawlessly, but any action that needs an element(press, longPress, changeText, toExist) is not able to find the `testId` Relevant...
Thanks, @robwalkerco for your quick replay. React Native CLI version 0.68.2 Try to follow the test as per guide App.tsx file  file App.owl.tsx ![Screenshot...
@robwalkerco I did a test with different timeouts from 5000 to 1000 - I also created a brand new project with the same version 0.68.2 and I got the same...
Thanks, @robwalkerco Sorry for the late reply - just to confirm I did follow the demo project and I managed to get the library working. Unfortunately, we still experiencing the...
Having the same issue with Xcode 14.3. As already mentioned is there a way that we would able to set to bypass the save password prompt?