Simon Brooke

Results 38 comments of Simon Brooke

"Explode", in PSL, takes any argument and returns a list of characters, the characters being those that prin would return. PSL is available from [here](; it compiles and runs, but...

I don't have PDF copies, I only have very ancient printed books ;-)

Thank you for this extremely useful reading list!

I have to confess I haven't actually got Rhine to build yet, but I am looking for a clojure-like Lisp which runs on bare hardware. I've written some essays on...

Sorry, haven't given you a pull request (yet, although I'm looking at it), that's the bit of my code that tripped over the problem.

# Dali performance Notes written while trying to characterise the performance problem in Dali. ## Hypothesis one: it's the way I format the polygons that's the issue Firstly, with both...

(Sorry, in response to your question: no long paths, only triangles).

The code I'm using in the work above is [here](; if you check out the develop branch of [this repository]( you should be able to reproduce what I've done. **However**...

OK, better, repeatable test: ```clojure (ns brightly-coloured-machine-tools.core (:require [clojure.string :as s] [ :as neatly-folded-clock])) (defn random-circles "Generate `n` random circles with a maximum diameter of `max-diam` on a page with...

Will do. OK, no significant change :-( ```clojure simon@mason:~/workspace/brightly-coloured-machine-tools$ lein repl Emitting small.svg (100 circles) "Elapsed time: 30.691276 msecs" Emitting medium.svg (1,000 circles) "Elapsed time: 109.406838 msecs" Emitting large.svg (10,000...