
Results 4 comments of simolg

musikcube is great, with more optional columns-tags it would be awesome! it is also good to decide the width (in percentage) of each tag.

you can use the "geom" parameter for out statement, like this: ``` ( node["amenity"="restaurant"]; way["amenity"="restaurant"]; relation["amenity"="restaurant"]; ); out geom; ``` with this request you will find some nodes, ways and... to see all the Italian provinces: `rel["ISO3166-2"~"IT-"]["admin_level"="6"]; out geom;` OK : Belluno, Bolzano, Pordenone, Pesaro e Urbino `rel["ISO3166-2"~"^IT-(BL|BZ|PN|PU)$"]["admin_level"="6"]; out geom;` they do not exist : Aosta (ex-province), Carbonia-Iglesias,...

"canvas size" is a different method to change the image size: - canvas to bigger size is similar to "create border" method - canvas to smaller size is similar to...