Simeon Radivoev
Simeon Radivoev
You can also enchant the weapons with a special Enchantment that increases their damage. Unbreaking lowers their power usage.
So you do not loose all the progress just a pixel or 1/4 ? And are you sure the replicators are stuck not just taking a lot of time ?
It also resets the progress of replication if the replicator runs out of power.
I just added the config options for that in 1.8.
Is that a question ? This is a place to ask for features and report issues. Oxygen and food a are replenished each tick. If Galacticraft uses the vanilla player...
What do you mean type ? You can only change the coordinates by adding and subtracting with the buttons. The transporter also has a very small range by itself. You...
What would its purpose be ?
I can't really fix that. All I can do is disable it if your player isn't a biped.
I was planning on making that an ability.