Yawei Sun

Results 9 issues of Yawei Sun

For example: Who produced the film 12 Angry Men, which was scripted by Reginald Rose, starred Henry Fonda and was directed by Sidney Lumet? Annotation information: "TopicEntityName": "12 angry men",...

Sorry, trouble you, again. in corechain.py: every epoch, I find the maximum i_batch is 87. Are there eror on my local ? ![QQ截图20191015105318](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8748445/66797013-0572da00-ef3c-11e9-808d-7bb15b140f2c.png) thank you.

Hi, sorry to trouble you again. When I run : CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python corechain.py -model slotptr -device cuda -dataset lcquad -pointwise True ![1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8748445/66617639-87939380-ec08-11e9-93c7-6cf21edf0f56.PNG) The error line: loss.backward() My GPU memory :...

Hi, trouble with you. I meet one question, when start virtuoso(sudo virtuoso-t -fd) using virtuoso.db (107GB) which you supplied: ![error](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8748445/67820429-1a329e80-faf4-11e9-9b3d-0a44640c4acf.PNG) would you like to help me? thank you

Hi author, The work is very well. I want to use this work for question answering. I have one question, when run codes: I use 200-d vector for representiong node...

Hi authors, MEMIT is an interesting work. When I run: python -m experiments.evaluate --alg_name=MEMIT --model_name=EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B --hparams_fname=EleutherAI_gpt-j-6B.json --num_edits=10 --use_cache There is error about CUDA out of memory: File "\memit-main\memit\memit_main.py", line 97,...

the test data in "data.h5" seems to come from MCtest-500, Where is the test data of MCtest-160? Do you have codes that can convert these dataset to h5 format?

Hi author, It is nice work. When run the evaluation codes, I find the output is json file. My questions: How to calculate the metrics in table 7, 8, 9?...

Hi, authors, It is nice work. I meet one problem: forward of the CLIPVisionEmbeddings class in modeling_clip.py ![屏幕截图 2024-03-19 132643](https://github.com/mbzuai-oryx/GeoChat/assets/8748445/203aca0a-f1a6-4a94-9d28-72465400f02c) Could you help me to solve it? Thanks