Same issue. onnx model generate under enviroment config as below: TRT 7.2.1 onnx 1.6 opset 11 pytroch 1.5 torchvision 0.6 any update would be appericated.
I got stuck in the same problem, helping is needed~
same problem fix by ref to [https://kuboard.cn/install/faq/selfLink.html](url) k8s > 1.20 kube-apiserver remove param `metadata.selfLink`, but `nfs-client-provisioner` require it. simple update kube-apiserver by add `- --feature-gates=RemoveSelfLink=false` to kube-apiserver yaml.
pooling layer parameter mismatch
> @trevorwelch I had the same issue with hp.quniform when I tried to fix a given value (i.e. keep it constant without removing some parameters from the search_space) and I...
following my log > [05/30/2019, 12:53:51 PM] INFO (hyperopt.tpe/Thread-1) TPE using 20/20 trials with best loss -0.989784 [05/30/2019, 12:53:51 PM] ERROR (nni.msg_dispatcher_base/Thread-1) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nni/msg_dispatcher_base.py", line...
To supply, I have replaced the `uniform` into `choice` of all possible params, I still got the same error