Daniel West

Results 47 comments of Daniel West

Should do, please make sure you're importing the type correctly, it extends the base type where `get` exists. See an issue I had here importing the type which may help....

It should do - perhaps you are not importing the type properly? There was an issue I had which is resolved here, fancy taking a look as if it resolves...

Ah yes, misunderstood the issue and you're right, hopefully maintainers will see your fix :)

Please see https://github.com/nuxt-community/axios-module/issues/555 Seems to work with `import type` instead of just `import` :)

This issue seems to be stale but still occurring - I'm wondering if there is a vercel edge network that needs to be included in our packages

Some vercel docs I'm investigating now https://vercel.com/docs/concepts/image-optimization

I think this is a support question for Vercel, as the docs seem to suggest how these URLs are modified is accurate. I'm on a pro plan and should have...

Vercel's response >Nuxt Image for Nuxt 3 (image-edge) is currently in an experimental state and according to this [Nuxt 3 Support Roadmap in GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/nuxt/image/discussions/548) , there seems to be...

I see this is an old issue but I'm having trouble with this converting `&` to `&` in button URLs which my front-end application framework also mis-handles, but shouldn't be...

I have a working module for Nuxt 3 if interested: ``` import ngrok from "ngrok"; import type { Ngrok } from "ngrok"; import chalk from "chalk"; import { defineNuxtModule, addTemplate...