Matija Marohnić
Matija Marohnić
Hey! I'm having a little trouble understanding how enabling scrolling is intended to work in this library. I see that elements are being tracked in the `locks` array, but this... Maybe it would be best if this was added to the official TypeScript docset.
Hey, @Kapeli, as I understand you maintain some MDN docsets like CSS, HTML, and JS. Do you think you could create one for the [MDN Accessibility reference]( as well? If...
If I see that Chrome 24 partially supports for a feature, I might think that's relevant unless I see that the latest version of Chrome is 47 :sweat_smile: Maybe something...
I didn't know this before, but [apparently]( you can set `flex` to `30px` and it will only set `flex-basis`, you can also set it to `1 30px`, which sets `flex-grow`...
- atom-react v0.14.1 - Atom v1.4.3
Fixes #107. During unit testing Toaster is being updated infinitely because it's waiting for height of toast messages to be truthy, which will never happen in `jsdom` because it's not...
Although I'm not sure how displaying a commercial typeface works. 🤔
My file starts with `// @flow`, but that comment gets erased with autofix. I'll gladly fix this, I'm just wondering if it's ok that I completely remove the replacing behavior....
That is the error I get when I try to run `compass install compass-bootstrap/compass-bootstrap`. I'm installing it on StaticMatic, not Rails, could that be the problem?