Please check this [issue](
Have you checked the bus frequency? Do they match?
I don't know if it is still a current question, bud I also had some problems with counterfeit SN65HVD230DR transceivers. Another problem I encountered was different bus frequency. Please check...
I added the dual filter.
I have used the hardware support of the filtering (I only need to set hardware registers), i.e. no software check is required. The packets are filtered on the hardware level...
> > I added the dual filter. > > Where? Please look on my fork:
Yes, exactly. Two filters are supported by the hardware, i.e., this is evaluated on hardware level, so you don't need to do anything more. If you want to have sophisticated...
Mask is like a pattern. The HW way is to write the pattern to the HW register, and the HW do the filtering job. If HW is unable to process...
I think, you have a different problem. If the bus is overloaded, filtering does not solve your problem. Filtering can reduce the job of the receiving device. If the bus...
Sorry for the delay. This error is likely connected with insufficient time for the interrupt. In other words, the next interrupt comes before the old one finishes. A general rule...