Aldrin Tingson

Results 6 comments of Aldrin Tingson

solutions: 1. we put the said index file and autoimport it in root-store during model generation 2. remove the models/index.ts file 3. I dont know if there is a babel...

Seems that the new repository still has this bug. Already opened an issue for that

Sample Code: (the red dot at the center of the screenshot above) ``` { let horizontalDirection = null console.log(`event.nativeEvent.locationX`, event.nativeEvent.locationX) const threshold = 7.5 if (event.nativeEvent.locationX < -(threshold)) { horizontalDirection...

Ok figured out that i can do it with interval ``` let dragHoldInterval = null .... onDrag={(event) => { ..... clearInterval(dragHoldInterval) onDrag([ horizontalDirection, verticalDirection ]) dragHoldInterval = setInterval(() => {...

Still the same. The difference is that you have a list of topics you want to listen to, then get partitions for the topics, then create a consumer per partition...

Found out the above does not work because it removes the header of the containing root stack!