Trương Việt Hoàng
Trương Việt Hoàng
I had this problem just now. I have found this package: [markdown]( And code: ``` Delta _delta = _controller.document.toDelta(); String html = markdownToHtml(notusMarkdown.encode(_delta) .toString()); print(html); ```
> @sil-main-coo Dose these methods works well? it will help me a lot if so. Thanks It supports markdown conversion to html. For my project it is very good. Please...
> > I had this problem just now. > > I have found this package: [markdown]( > > And code: > > ``` > > Delta _delta = _controller.document.toDelta(); >...
**In `markdow.dart` file, I added a conditional statement at `_writeAttribute` function , like this:** ``` void _writeAttribute(StringBuffer buffer, NotusAttribute attribute, {bool close: false}) { if (attribute == NotusAttribute.bold) { _writeBoldTag(buffer);...