Sijan Bhandari
Sijan Bhandari
> @sijanonly I have now added the data migration file. You should be able to pull the latest version of this request down and run migrate to see the data...
> @sijanonly Try now. I've updated the get_default_value method to return a none if there are no values available. @brandonrosenbloom , the changes didn't work. Actually, the statement `ResourceStatus.objects.get(sequence=1).id` will...
> @sijanonly I've applied the change to the get_initial_status method as suggested. @meg-ray Do we want to guarantee that all profiles have a population entered? > @brandonrosenbloom I just found...
Hi @shaunagm I am working on it.
Hi @meg-ray , I will work on it.
For "adding help text", I am using 'placeholder' in order to include help text.
Need more clarification on following : 1. Making it possible to select more than one option from the dropdowns -> We have three dropdown fields a. Requires signup b. user...
I am working on it.