The fact that this feature is missing __is really slowing down adoption of web components__ in enterprise applications where angular is very prominent. Not implementing this would effectively be a...
is there any reason to not just provide a way to customize the following checks? if these were pluggable users could already significantly refine which tags to bail...
Why not even allow plugging in a full hook? ```ts override hasProperty(tagName: string, propName: string, schemaMetas: SchemaMetadata[]): boolean { return config.hasPropertyOverride ? config.hasPropertyOverride(tagName, propName, schemaMetas) : DEFAULT_CHECK(tagName, propName, schemaMetas); }...
> > Why not even allow plugging in a full hook? > > As far as I have looked into, the issue is how to expose it this configuration. >...
Hi, I cooked up the following proposal: it adds a new angular compiler option `angularCompilerOptions.webComponentPattern` ```js { ... "angularCompilerOptions": { ... "webComponentPattern": "my-prefix-" // RegEx } } ``` if...
@waterplea can you provide an example?
I cannot get your example to do what i think it is inteded to do regardless of any schema-related issues, here it is alive: Funny thing is, it works...
Instead of a RegExp pattern the config load external schemas, for instance as described here: (example: and check against them. These are already supported by vscode - gives...
I updated the proposal: Now you can actually extend the dom schema so it is even less intrusive and reuses the exsting paths there. you can specify specific tags...
This issue has been around since 2016, is not hard to fix and would help EVERY angular project that uses web components. To me it feels like it is strategically...