Sihyun Jeon
Sihyun Jeon
Removed several pdf sets for reasons 1. 320900 NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_nf_4 101 -> gone This is the same PDF as 325500 but statistically treated differently when estimating PDF uncertainty. And we are...
./process/madevent/lib/Pdfdata/ ./mgbasedir/Template/ process/Cards/delphes_card.dat process/Cards/pgs_card.dat process/Cards/\*card_default.dat process/madspingrid/decay_me process/madspingrid/production_me mgbasedir/vendor/\*.tar.gz I don't think these are really needed. tested some of them but would be nice if someone can check things systematically (for...
Processes that gives negative cross sections don't get cross sections when using genxanalyzer. Would be nice to have a flexible tool. Will check my self