Sihyun Jeon

Results 36 comments of Sihyun Jeon

But this change will affect all the other samples as well. Why not just add pdf4lhc15 for samples of the working group's interest ONLY (making gridpacks with pdf4lhc15) and leave...

@danielwinterbottom If one wants to use different PDF set one can use it with valid reasons, sure. My point is different, "is it necessary to add this to central scripts...

what you should do is around/after line 153 or line 883 ` def prepareEventProductionScript (productionfilename, phantom, phantomfolder, cmssw, shell, scram_arch, debugging = 0):` ` prepareEventProductionScript (foldername + '/', phantom, phantomfolder,...

you can't have `tau > all all` in madspin since SMEFT model does not treat mesons as a stable particle. you have to let pythia do the rest (or tauola)....

if the changes are made accordingly in ``, making changes for several few lines i think it should be fine. we now use genproductions master branch but ideally this has...

@menglu21, markus @mseidel42 and I asked for this so that we can perhaps utilize it for nanogen datatiers as well for different generators (since djr comes from the pythia hook)

Hi, I would actually ask what the physics motivation is to add H > ZZ > qqqq. - H > bb is about 60% - H > WW > qqqq...

Also there are several things I think you are missing out - add process p p > suu > H t Z t, (t > W+ b, W+ > j5...

> I was considering removing this already given how large the subprocess folder becomes in MG. If this was too large already I think it's really worrisome. `add process p...

@freejiebao @menglu21 @Saptaparna @agrohsje