The deskshell site includes the documentation from the application. The buttons and example applications will only work when run from inside a deskshell client. This has not been made obvious...
Hi Joe, In a terminal type: $basedir/data/bin/node --harmony $basedir/data/app.js "path_to_app_file" where "$basedir" is the full path the node executable that you found in the file that you extracted, then...
What version of node are you using? That looks like a depreciated warning that it is giving. If you type in: node then it should enter the REPL and you...
If you look in example/deploy there should be a file example.appjs that is the packaged app -- it is cross platform so you can run that on a windows or...
So you can take the example folder and then change the app.js script and the data/contents folder adding in your javascript / html / images etc, then you use the...
ok, appjs combines nodejs and webkit into a single executable. You can then write desktop applications by using web technologies (html5 / javascript). The disadvantage with "normal" html5 apps is...
I just clicked the "Windows SDK" button on the first page and a download of the .exe file started for me. What download did not work, what browser are you...
Normally this is caused by the icon file not being found. The app.nsi script points to an .ico file, if for any reason that path is incorrect or icon file...
A quicker option is to actually just run Deskshell\sys-apps\win-exe-compiler\NSIS\NSIS.exe then click on "Compile NSI scripts" and you get a little editor.
Try downloading This has a particular layout and structure and includes an app.nsi file and hopefully should compile and create an .exe for you. Then compare that to your...