Sigve Nakken
Sigve Nakken
Dear @adbeggs, Thanks for getting in touch! And for bringing forward a very relevant issue, and that has been brought to my attention in several projects where I have utilized...
Thanks for the feedback. Will definitely look into having CNA fed as VCF, I certainly agree this would be handy for several people. For tiered germline variants, I have developed...
Hi Andrew, Getting back to this. Do you have an example VCF with copy number calls? Sigve
Hi, Just released 0.9.0, and also included a FAQ section, where I make a few comments regarding multi-sample analysis, and that structural variants should be supported in the future. Will...
Hi Wouter, Thanks for reaching out. This could be a really useful extension (and strategic way further) for PCGR, to support multiple tumors for a given case, I guess either...
Hi, Thanks for reporting. This is very relevant question, and related to a [previously reported issue]( Ideally, PCGR should interpret any VCF coming from any variant caller (I acknowledge that...
Hi @1seokyoo, Thanks a lot for reaching out with this. I was actually thinking of reaching out to the user community on how to implement this, and I am also...
Dear Peng, Thanks for your question, very relevant. The answer is yes, I want to have functionality for this :-) There are, as you probably are aware of, a number...
Totally understand. I basically encounter it now and then, and this is why I find it confusing and wanted to figure out why it sometimes fails. But if this is...
Good idea, that sounds like a very helpful strategy. Yes, as I was doing some repeated testing last night, I saw the same error myself.