Ian Stapleton Cordasco

Results 684 comments of Ian Stapleton Cordasco

I suspect this is because the `entry_points` are only defined in `gitlint-core` and not in `gitlint`. I was concerned that might cause issues.

So there's one myth that a lot of people seem to have that I'd like to dispell: > more contributors I don't think this is strictly true or has any...

@ssbarnea other examples on GitHub include baron, red baron, doc8, bandit, and pycodestyle. None have seen a magical increase in contributors since moving to the org

It seems invites expire (based on recent experience on-boarding the python-modernize team), so I'd rather let Joris decide when I should send the invite

Wait, Poetry has started supporting real python development? Interesting Based on your blast of PRs @l0b0 I'm guessing your first order of business would be to change the commit style...

Jazzband also has lots of abandoned projects there last time I looked. `pip-tools` and a few others seem to be the exception, not the rule sadly

> dilution of fame by moving under a community driven organization. I think you're conflating Kenneth's ego trips with Joris' pride here based on the rest of your comments. That...

I can't promise I'll have more time than you have presently but I'm happy to help. I'm honored you trust me to add me here

I don't know what pylint does, but Flake8 has something akin to what you've designed. That said, rather than using the standard library logger, there's `structlog` from Hynek that I...

@giskard22 > I don't entirely understand the discussion for issue #480 but I think the root cause may be the same for this issue. I need httpie to trust a...