Results 174 comments of Bedis Nbiba

Hello, how did you install irust, this path is weird `/private/var/folders/fr/h0xg5y_j1zggbs3hs0rb7y5c0000gn/T/irust_repls`, it should be the temporary folder of you system , so it seem like have an uncommon system setup

@OnlyCS your issue is different then the op, I pushed a fix here whats your rust version btw ? (the output now differs it shows `dev profile` instead of...

The same happen (in nvim) with another implementation

Maybe the issue lies in

The same reproduction steps still produce the same error deno 1.35.1

There is a similar thing in publish but I don't know if that one works

Seems this was added at some point, works with wasm-pack 0.12.1

Here is another proposal It has in my opinion some advantages: - It allows specifying complex permissions, permissions that requires internal app information, and it allows expressing them in...

I wonder how hard is this ? , would be great if someone elaborate on the high level way to implement this I think its a great feature, it will...

Turns out that wasi works with deno and there is even 2 implementations to choose from , std and from wasmjs see these issues where I have code examples of...