Sigurd Holsen
Sigurd Holsen
Yes, you can create a visual basic script that runs an application in the background. See []( Create a file with extension **.vbs** with the following content ``` Dim WinScriptHost...
That is great! If just @Tylemagne could make me the owner of this project, I can move it to I can then make you the owner of that project.
Would it be possible to turn off the UAC instead? @alphabetix I have never developed a windows driver before. I suspect that converting the program to a driver will require...
@ByteBaker feel free to make a PR with either `-d` or `-I`! New features are also welcome unless they conflict with an already defined parameter in `tree`.
Multiple PRs might be better, but that is up to you. As long as it is not one huge commit, then it's good 👍
The `tree` command supports this flag: ``` -l Follow symbolic links like directories. ``` Would you be interested in adding this option to tree-rs?