Results 12 comments of Kamil Sienicki

@leviatan6 workaround -

> > > I can confirm that it works on 8T with source built driver. Can't speak for the driver included in OOS. what about packet injection ?

> > > hi > I'm using Oneplus nord kernel by kimocoder and it is supposed to support Wifi injection but it doesnt > However it does support monitor mode...

I'm not 100% sure but it looks like after changing hostname in config to blank (previous I've set custom one) in order to generate automatically and it looks like camera...

@alienatedsec blank in WebGUI - only changing in WebGUI.

> @k3s4 Has it changed the Hostname? to something around yi-7bc3 yes

@alienatedsec - I don't think its related as my camera don't respond to ping requested etc it's completely offline until reboot - for now I have added reboot command to...

@X3fxKupaA6jaHX83Whnn3xcYWnUCYhmjr2e2A8T currently I have added that script to crontab and checking how it works maybe it's a good idea to implement as standard watchdog script @alienatedsec ?

Looks like script works fine (after little modification) ``` [Thu Jun 17 21:55:03 CEST 2021] Wifi OK [Thu Jun 17 22:00:04 CEST 2021] Wifi OK [Thu Jun 17 22:05:01 CEST...