Sidhanth Rathod

Results 26 issues of Sidhanth Rathod

Is it possible to have only one window for multiple windows? rather than having multiple statuslines! I wouldnt want this : ![image](

Hi there! I have some custom config ( nvim-webdevicons) for certain file types , but galaxyline doesnt follow that. Other plugins like Nvimtree , nvim-bufferline follows it tho Nvimtree :...

Hi there! awesome plugin. It would be great if there was an option to exclude the dimming of certain filetypes. I dont want to dim NvimTree buffer , its a...

Hi there! eiwd works fine so far! but one thing bugs me , my wifi gets disconnected if I wake up my pc after sleep. I have to reconnect the...

I have to manually adjust the top padding in order to make the dashboard look vertically centered, is there any way to make this dynamic? Many user my config (nvchad)...

Default : ```lua use { 'andymass/vim-matchup', event = 'CursorMoved' } ``` Can be made to : ```lua ['andymass/vim-matchup'] = { event = 'CursorMoved } ```


Hi there! It'd be great if lspinstall could install many lsp servers at the same time , like having multiple arguments for :LspInstall , example : :LspInstall html css js...


the current folder icon looks bad imo, kinda outdated too. Ive seen usage of folder icons in many cli apps such as ranger,lf,logo-ls, nvim plugins etc and they mostly use...

features › ui

Hi @bakkeby , st cuts text inside it when st's window is resized :/ . Most terminals dont do this. I didnt find any patches for it either. I found...

Hi there! great build. Btw could you share the patch needed for having png in the statusbar?