Hello, I am trying to run velocyto without giving the barcodes. i gave the following code: `velocyto run --without-umi -o /5TB-storage/gaurav.ahuja/sidrah/Data/b_mouse_linda/trimmed/bams/cellsorted/loom -m /5TB-storage/gaurav.ahuja/sidrah/Data/filesforvelocyto/mm10_rmsk.gtf /5TB-storage/gaurav.ahuja/sidrah/Data/b_mouse_linda/trimmed/bams/cellsorted/$line1.bam /5TB-storage/gaurav.ahuja/sidrah/Data/filesforvelocyto/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.101.gtf ` But i am getting...
Hello, I am not able to retrieve all dimensions of descriptors in a single go, as after some time, it asks to reload. And then, everything is lost, that had...