Results 26 comments of sido420

In addition to above, Google Play Services is installed on the device but app is in development mode.

It came from the popular LRU cache nodejs module, see I think it'd be a huge benefit for single node setups where external storage is unavailable. Or, even multi...

No, I haven't started any work on it. I will comment here if I plan on doing so (not anytime soon).

I stringified _storage in memory storage and got the following: ``` {"_storage":{"Msg-ByID:1":{"_value":1,"_expiresAt":"2019-10-08T00:59:58.025Z","_timeoutId":{"_called":false,"_idleTimeout":600000,"_idlePrev":null,"_idleNext":null,"_idleStart":229 :/conta│15556,"_repeat":null,"_destroyed":false,"_handle":{}}}}} ``` Can you tell me what needs to persist so it could be restored at startup?

Hi @MBuchalik So you used resolveLocalFileSystemURL to resolve the content:// URL received? Can you share relevant code how you resolved and read/access the file in your code please? I'm stuck....

Is there another way to convert content:// to real path?

Its super important to fix this asap. Its been a pain. Also, I dont see any network activity even in previous NS versions.

@rigor789 Thanks for looking into this issue. I just checked NS 6.x and it does work. Has network activity ever worked on any NS version?

This is an extremely important issue. I have a fairly complex Graphql schema using typegraphql and wasn't getting any typescript errors. However, when buildschema was executed after some time it...

This is a must have feature. @machineghost I am not familiar with Redux etc. Can you share your code to import and export state so I could at least modify...