Results 6 issues of Edoardo Cortese

Hi, there is a way to prevent command flood? That's because when server is slow, a user that write same text multiple times, can break the function by sending all...

Hi, if a user write /start on my bot, so: ``` bot.on('message', function (message) { if (message.from.username == "username_not_allowed"){ // command to stop here instead of bot.onText(/^\/start,.... // exit, return,...

I started to fight game bots in my bot, there is a way to add a captcha that block all other commands until captcha validation? Or another way to do...


How can i send an image by set file_id? I tried: bot.send(new File().file('FILEIDXXXXX','image').to(chat)); But the response is: Error: `value` required in setHeader("Content-Length", value). at ClientRequest.OutgoingMessage.setHeader (_http_outgoing.js:344:11) at FormData. (/home/fenix/chatBot/node_modules/form-data/lib/form_data.js:321:13) at...

(Me again!) Days ago i notice that with uplay api you can get infos about current playing match in R6, there is a possibility to add it in this api?...

Hello, i'm with bluez 5.73 on a Raspberry P4B but when i run the following command: ``` cd /home/user/bluez-5.73/mesh/ ./bluetooth-meshd ``` I get this output: ``` D-Bus ready Request name...