
Results 4 issues of siddharth9470

When trying to make a video and after hitting use video button, IOS app is getting crashed. Here is the crash logs NSInternalInconsistencyException PLPhotoTileViewController Call must be made on main...

:bug: Bug

In gradient, there's a option to set startColor, centerColor and endColor. How do i set center color using this library ?

Hey we're building a custom storefront for our Shopify site on our mobile app (React Native). We are trying to use the checkout web url to implement checkout. How do...

**After replacing the whole file contents of NotificationService.m or NotificationService.swift with the code below:** ``` #import #import "NotificationService.h" @interface NotificationService () @property (nonatomic, strong) void (^contentHandler)(UNNotificationContent *contentToDeliver); @property (nonatomic, strong)...