
Results 10 issues of shz1314

HI, When i reproduce your test code, i find that you dont provide the code for testing. Shall you send me the code. Very thanks. Yours, Song

Hi, Thanks for your code for the new paper. Can it get the same result in the paper?

hi, i have read the paper of CVPR 2018 about wing loss. I want to introduce the loss in my work. But my deblur work is based on the pytorch...

您好 很早之前就看了您的论文,在gan的应用领域里真的非常好,其中几个损失函数让我记忆尤新,最近在做人脸老化问题,也希望可以用到人脸矫正损失函数,可是我用的代码是tensorflow,无法对您的模型引用,希望您能把网络模型告诉我,我好完成您模型在tensorflow上的重建,非常感谢

您好, 您在项目中提到了剪枝方法,我想问一下您是使用哪一种剪枝方法!

hi, how can i solve this problem? very thanks.