unable to figure out a proper way to add ARAnalyticsProperties callback ``` let someClassEvents: NSDictionary = [ ARAnalyticsClass : NSClassFromString("ViewController")!, ARAnalyticsDetails : [ ARAnalyticsEventName : "SomeEvent", ARAnalyticsSelectorName : "viewDidLoad", ARAnalyticsProperties...
After removing : NSDictionary, I am getting error on the return statement > '(dictionaryLiteral: (NSCopying, AnyObject))' is not convertible to '(dictionaryLiteral: (NSString, NSString)...)'
Could you help us with a Swift Example, if possible?
@ashfurrow the error is on compile time. @orta I have updated to the following, now the error changes ``` let someClassEvents = [ ARAnalyticsClass : NSClassFromString("ViewController")!, ARAnalyticsDetails : [ ARAnalyticsEventName...
I got it working by adding another ObjC class called AREvents in my project. ``` @implementation AREvents +(NSDictionary *)eventWithName:(NSString *)name selector:(NSString *)selector properties:(NSDictionary *(^)(id, NSArray *))propertiesBlock { return @{ @"event"...