Shalauddin Ahamad Shuza
Shalauddin Ahamad Shuza
why Ci build is failing? Are you using any library for client side load-balancing?
I have added a simple android client application and waiting for the approval of pull request. If it is accepted, an android example will be added.
> this is already implemented in fwiw Why it is not added in here?
Can we start to maintain again? I am working with cassandra now and I am planning to add some more features as I will need as part of cassandra work.
Right now this repo demonstrates very basic implementation. There are several ways to load balance gRPC traffic like client side load balancing, sidecar load balancing etc. You can find more...
@yangwenmai you can use [Linkerd]( for load balancing.
I am working on it. Hopefully soon I will add it to the repository.