您好,尝试用huggingface里面的BertForMaskedLM去加载您转换的模型,然后预测被mask的词语,发现预测到的结果并不正确,请问这是什么原因? 您是否知道大概原因?我可以手动修复吗?
Hi Luyu, @luyug Thanks for your interesting work! My question is how the title is used during your pre-training, especially in coCondenser pre-training? Is it just a span in the...
Hi, @luyug Thanks for your awesome work. Is it possible to give more details to reproduce the results (84.3=MRR@5) on NQ in the paper, just like the detailed MS MARCO...
Hi Mehri, Thanks for your awesome work 'Example-Driven Intent Prediction with Observers', and your open sourcing codebase. How did you add observers to bert model in your codebase? I can't...
It is awesome and intereseting. I wonder if there is any paper about RWKV? Thanks.