Shun Zheng
Shun Zheng
I'm considering using Chinese characters to mimic English Words and it seems to work fine. (In python 3.6) ` string = '北 京 欢 迎 您 ! 北 京 欢...
Thanks for the reply. However, I still cannot reproduce your results in Tables 2, 5, or 6. For example. Table 5 dentoes the setting of using a higher-capacity encoder, which...
Got it. Thanks. I thought the precentage denotes the proportion of loss reduction, which should be (0.02023 - 0.01179) / 0.02023. While you used the percentage of loss increment when...
You should follow the evaluation logic in this repo. Thanks!
Sorry, we cannot share that.
对于单句,目前的设置是 大于128token位置的都删去。 由于Doc2EDAG是文档级模型,天生可以处理多句输入,所以可以将超长句切短再输入。 在本repo中,设置`--rearrange_sent == True`即可对自动实现这一功能(仅对规范中文文本有效)。
1、gold和pred说明的是 用于事件论元的候选实体来自于数据标注(gold)还是模型预测(pred)。 2、无论事件表格填充部分用的是哪种选项,NER部分展示的都是pred所对应的结果。
@mrkdian 标注触发词需要额外的知识库(事件触发词表)以及额外的匹配规则(一篇文章多个词匹配上了,到底给哪个标成触发词?),这些是依赖触发词的方案在标注方面的痛点。 我们对DCFEE的复现是 基于它论文中的假设“包含了大多数事件论元的句子是触发事件的关键句",最终的目标都是得到事件类型及其相应的事件记录。
It is reasonable since the results reported in the paper was based on the two-years-ago PyTorch and CUDA backends.